CMS for newspapers

Update date: 12.08.2024 15:29

CMS for newspapers, which will expand your magazine into a news website, allowing you to save on printing costs and increase revenue from advertising. 


Are you a publisher of a local newspaper, magazine, or catalog of offers and want to reach new readers

If you are dealing with high printing costs that exceed the profits from your printed newspaper (printing, circulation, and distribution) and you are considering moving your newspaper into the digital realm by launching a local news website, or if you already have a website but you need to switch to a CMS for news magazine that is more favorable to publishers, then you might want to continue reading this article. 

You’ll find out whether the CMS 4media will be beneficial for you.


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Newspaper CMS software, meaning what benefits a content management system prepared for a newspaper publisher will give you.


Wider reach

You will reach new readers; circulation won’t limit you!

Circulation only applies to printing, but when you have a news website, you can publish and share the assembled e-newspaper on your website. Then, you have a link that you can share on platforms like Facebook and other social media, spreading it across the internet, thereby increasing the reach of your newspaper to new readers. 


Greater flexibility

Readers can read how, where, and when they want; you will give readers the ability to access your articles when they need them the most. They can read the newspaper on their computer or smartphone, download it to their device’s storage, and read it without internet access, during the day or in the middle of the night. 


cms for newspaper


Digital edition

You are not giving up on publishing the newspaper or magazine because printing is becoming too expensive as paper prices rise. You are still a publisher, but you are saving on printing costs. 

For instance, you can reduce the circulation and allocate some of the saved money to something more urgent.

You only pay the printing house or graphic designer for the layout of the newspaper and preparation of the digital version, which you will publish on your website in the way you prefer- through external sources, direct uploading of the PDF file to the CMS, embedding, or through intermediaries and vendors. 


newspaper embedded on news site


More money from advertisements

You will join our advertising network; right from the start, you can earn from publishing sponsored articles and banner ads.

You no longer need to seek advertisers or wait for them to come to you; your newspaper and your website will become part of our advertising network, where we handle acquiring clients for you and share the advertising profits with you


ad placements cms for newspapers


New possibilities

Elements typical of newspapers, such as visual elements (widgets) and functionalities (modules), create new opportunities. 

They have been prepared based on the needs of newspaper publishers who have been using our CMS 4media for years: e-editions, classifieds, company directories, obituaries, photo galleries, categories, and much more! Altogether, it’s over 30 widgets and 30 modules.





paywall subscriptions CMS 4media
Paywall Subscriptions - integrated into the CMS 4media.


Paywall is a powerful tool built into the CMS 4media that allows you to decide whether readers can freely read published articles or whether they will first need to log in or pay to access articles from a particular category.

You decide whether it will be the entire website, only the e-edition, or only the specific articles (pages). So, you can monetize premium content and provide access to part of the service only to active subscribers. You decide what should be available for free and what should not be.

A paywall can support various payment models, such as monthly or annual subscriptions, or single-article purchases, enabling customization of offerings to meet the needs and financial capacities of different audience segments.

Implementing a paywall also supports valuable journalism by enabling direct funding for the production of high-quality content, which in turn enhances the quality of information and services provided to readers.


Extract your e-edition (XML) and publish it online as a single articles.

Quick and easy export of e-edition to articles. If you are using eType Services for print, you can easily transform your newspaper into single articles via our CMS 4media (we support importing XML).

Thanks to a special feature created in cooperation with eType Services, publishers who publish their newspapers in XML format can now submit the e-edition, and CMS 4media will scan the content and automatically divide it into separate articles - with text and images included.

Each article will automatically become an online article published on the website. You can edit it before publication, enrich it with additional text or images, or choose not to publish it and thus only publish a portion of your newspaper’s content on the website. 

That’s how CMS for newspapers websites should work!


What do you have to do to acquire this?

Contact us and we will prepare a demo version of the website specifically for you. You will see the logo of your newspaper or current website, and we will also fill the website with articles from your current website.

We will provide a presentation on how to use the CMS 4media, demonstrating its functionality and how it can be tailored to your specific needs. We will also address all your questions.

You will have the opportunity to log into the content management system yourself and navigate around; you won’t be charged for this.

Reach out to us via email at [email protected] or send a message through the contact form at the bottom of this page. We will respond within 24 hours.

Remember, if you want to grow your business and you don’t run an online website, don’t distribute the newspaper online, or  don’t display newspaper content in free fragments such as articles, you’re potentially losing out on money everyday (even a few thousand dollars in net advertising profits per month).


Can I just check it out, without any commitment?

Of course!

Here’s the link to the demo website; a showcase version that you can check. This is roughly how your website might look:

However, on the demo page, you’ll only see a small sample of possibilities - mainly just the appearance, and the experience of an ordinary reader.

If you want to explore the full range of capabilities of our newspaper content management system, feel free to schedule a video presentation[email protected].

We’ll grant you access to a personalized website, where you can log in as an administrator and explore all the functionalities firsthand.


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They are using our CMS for newspapers

Here are some of our newspaper publishers:

  • The Canton News (Canton, Mississippi, USA)
  • Pelahtachie News (Pelahatchie, Mississippi, USA)
  • The Fallon Post (Fallon, Nevada, USA)
  • Rebel Report (Las Vegas, Nevada, USA)
  • Cooltura 24 (London, UK)
  • Florida Weekly Newcomers (Fort Myers, Florida, USA)
  • Florida Weekly Destination (Fort Myers, Florida, USA)
  • and much more!

Check out how their websites look - click on the logo or address, and a new browser tab will open, where you can browse the website and see how they publish e-editions in the most convenient way for you.


austin county insider logo
boerne star logo
canton news logo
destination southwest florida logo
experience st.ignace logo
fallon post logo
go fredericksburg logo
johnstown breeze logo
newcomers guide southwest florida logo
pelahatchie news logo


We listen to the needs of publishers and continuously improve our newspaper software.

It’s not like we developed a CMS system for newspapers four years ago, and that’s it, end of story.

We update it at least several times a year, and you don’t pay anything for these updates. You always use the latest version of the system, where new features appear from time to time.

From the beginning, we have been creating a system and solutions that make the work of publishers easier because we are also publishers!

We not only provide a CMS system for newspapers, but we have also been running some websites and also co-creating some of them for years. We’ve tested everything firsthand, and that’s why we know how it works.

We understand the realities of local publishers, and that’s why we want to give you a tool that will make publishing easier and help you earn more.


How we do it?


CMS 4media products

You receive a simple and easy-to-use CMS4media system for managing your website.


CMS for newspapers


You don’t need to be a programmer to add a new article, change the appearance of the homepage, or publish a new piece of news.

Design, modify, and edit your website using a simple creator - an easy-to-use visual editor, without the need for programming languages (but if you want to apply your own CSS styles or paste HTML codes for external services, you can easily  do that too).

CMS 4media features completed, dedicated modules and widgets for local media and websites. You can do whatever you want with them. You can enable all of them or just a part of them, change their order, and edit their content. 


You get access to ADS 4 media’s content platform


ADS4media advertising platform for news


ADS 4media is your command center for collaboration with advertisers.

On your behalf, we add offers for publishing sponsored articles on your website; we set the price and terms of cooperation, handle orders through the platform, and oversee the publication process. So, you don’t have to do anything because we take care of the entire process, and you receive the profit from sponsored article publications every month.

In ADS 4media, you can also integrate your own advertising code into your website; you go to the settings of your website and have designated spaces where you can paste the HTML code from your advertising partner (you can also ask us for assistance if needed).


We will set up the advertising network and advertising grid for you.


ad placements


You don’t have to do anything, such as add advertising codes or HTML codes yourself. You receive complete settings for the ad grid with advertising codes from our advertising network partners integrated shortly after we design the visual aspect of your website. We call this ‘central spaces’, which are the areas we handle for you. If you have any comments regarding the placement of layout of elements, you can let us know, and we will make the necessary adjustments.

But that’s not all - as the owner and publisher of the website, you have the ability to add your own placements; these are called ‘local spaces’. You decide where on the website your advertising banners (or advertisers that you acquire independently) will appear. 


You receive the possibility of various billing and cooperation system

For example, in a proportion of 60/40 (60% of advertising revenue for you), 50/50, barter, etc. While others may offer only 50/50, we offer up to 60% of advertising revenue for the publisher. 


You have control over which advertising providers your website uses

If you don’t want a particular advertising provider or if certain ads are bothersome to you, just let us know, and we will disable them. However, please keep in mind that disabling them may result in lower advertising revenue.


We do not interfere with your own advertising


ads codes


As a publisher using our CMS for newspapers, you can add your own local advertisement.

We don’t delve into how much you earn from this, how much you charge the client for the banner, or how long you place it. 

We’re not concerned about the politics or topics; you’re in charge! (But it is important to adhere to general standards regarding online advertising, ensuring it does not promote things like drugs, violence, hate speech, etc.).


You receive advertising reports every month

In these advertising reports, you will see detailed calculations of the revenue from advertisements (banners) and sponsored articles. Each month, you will have a clear view of what generates the most profit for you.


But how much does it cost? CMS for newspapers price list

Here is what you were probably looking for so most on this site: the price list.


CMS 4media pricing


Others may offer you a CMS for newspapers for free. Ours has one drawback - you have to pay for it. But is that bad?

They say that free is a fair price.

However, the truth is that in most cases, when you get something for free, you also get a “do it by yourself” package if any problems arise.

But we are different.

You pay, and we have commitments to you. Not just one, but several:

  • Commitment that you won’t be left alone with the product after purchase.
  • Commitment that we will help if there is a breakdown or something stops working.
  • Commitment that we are available 24/7 in case of any issues with the CMS for newspapers system.
  • Commitment that we assist and oversee the entire process of transferring your website from your current CMS system to our CMS 4media. We handle some things for you, transferring content while taking care of SEO ensuring that the strongest pages and links are not lost.
  • Commitment that with each subsequent system update, we will expand it with your ideas. If you tell us that you lack certain functionalities or have ideas on how something could work better to improve your daily work.

So, how does it sound?


Will you close this page and move on, or…

This is the moment when a decision needs to be made.

Each additional day to ponder is a waste of time and money.

Will you close this page and move on? Without even trying our newspaper content management system?

You’ll miss the chance to test the capabilities of our CMS for the newspapers.

You’ll miss the chance to find out if the system is truly easy to use and what if offers.

You’ll miss the chance to log into the admin account in your personalized website version, where you can explore all the functionalities. 

Schedule a video presentation of the CMS 4media system: [email protected].

And if you decide to sign the contract within 30 days of the presentation, you’ll receive a 375 USD discount for implementation process!


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