CMS 4media:


The Modules category contains tutorials on configuring modules in CMS 4media. You will learn how to manage the content of individual modules, their purposes, and how they can enhance the operation of your local information website.

All modules can be found in the main menu in the admin panel. Additionally, some global settings for specific modules are located in the general "Settings" module, as indicated and explained in detail in the guides.

Most modules have their own individual widget. This allows you to embed published announcements, directory entries, events, or news in separate widgets.

Other modules, such as PayWall, Payments, or Currencies, will enable you to prepare your website for monetization, activate payment support for subscription or publication of paid advertisements and business entries in specific categories. You will also find detailed information about users and, upon logging in, immediately see, for example, which comments require moderator intervention.

We are always at your disposal. If anything is unclear in any of the guides or if you haven't found answers to your questions, feel free to reach out to us at [email protected].

The [Forms] module allows us to enhance existing contact forms with additional fields or create a completely new form that will be available on a default-generated subpage at URL/forms. 23.08.2024 11:36
moduł kondolencje CMS 4media
Condolences allow expressing sorrow and sympathy for someone's passing. On the CMS 4media websites, users can leave condolences under obituaries. 09.01.2024 11:24
tagi cms 4media
Add tags to articles and events in CMS 4media. Facilitate user navigation through related content published on your news website. 18.12.2023 13:01
rejestr RODO CMS 4media
GDPR Registry
Within the GDPR Registry module, you will find all information related to the processing of personal data of users on your news website. 15.12.2023 09:42
klauzule CMS 4media
Terms (Clauses)
Inform users of the website about the terms of service, privacy policies, and other key aspects. Create and display content for various clauses or statements on the site. 14.12.2023 12:07
moduł Plansze CMS 4media
Boards provide the ability to place rotating graphics within Boards widget. Boards are not cropped and are displayed in their entirety. 06.12.2023 10:43
podstrony CMS 4media
The Subpages module is used for managing informational subpages where you can publish, for example, contact details, website regulations (such privacy policy, cookies) or present advertising collaboration opportunities. 01.12.2023 11:18
użytkownicy i grupy użytkowników CMS 4media
Users and Groups of Users
Manage users on your news website. Block, grant access, and check the information they provided during registration. 30.11.2023 09:10
dziennik panelu CMS 4media
User Activity
In User Activity Log module, you can track the activity of website administrators. You can check the work of your editorial team and recent actions such as deleting comments or publishing new news. 29.11.2023 12:21
języki CMS 4media
CMS 4media allows running a news website in four languages: Polish, English, Spanish, and Ukrainian. You can publish articles in, for example, Polish and add translations to them when they are ready, or immediately during editing. 29.11.2023 11:28