17 Ways to Make Money on a Website | Part 2 - Banner Sales Automation
We are continuing the series of articles to help you increase profits from your website. Today we will focus on banner sales automation.
This is a must for publishers who want to earn money by displaying ads on their websites.
Let's explain it briefly.
Connect your website with Google Adsense
have you connected your website with Google Adsense? It gives you a chance to generate income without leaving your house. You register using this link. You need to verify your website, plant the generated code and you can profit from ads automatically!
No idea how to configure your account? We will be happy to help.
Adsense is merely one of the sources of income. There are specialised platforms (DSP, SPP) which act as global advertising space auctions. The prices vary. It is held in RTB (real time bidding). The greater the demand for advertisements and the less space available, the higher the price for 1 CPM (1,000 impressions). Yet, this is some more advanced stuff.
How we do it in Tipmedia/4media.com?
TIP: We have written special code which aggregates bids from several such platforms. You automatically get the highest bid from services we cooperate with. This ensures the highest prices for our partners.
TIP: Moreover, we employ another trick: the ads pop up gradually as the user scrolls down the site in order to become visible. This way we avoid displaying ads the user will not see and we are able to make more money on them.
This is the way in which all websites based on our CMS make money.
Recently, we also allowed the code to be placed on websites which do not use our engine. If your site runs on WordPress, Joomla! or Drupal, we can also cooperate. However, we impose one condition here - a minimum of 100,000 hits per month.
Share with us in the comment! We will update the article and thus help other local media.

Piotr Marek, CEO 4media
For almost 10 years I have been creating news websites. I am also the owner and editor of Expresselblag.pl. For roughly 5 years I have been networking local media within the Tipmedia/4media.com Group.