17 Ways to Make Money on a Website | Part 10 - Pack your services into bundles!

17 Ways to Make Money on a Website | Part 10 - Pack your services into bundles!

17 Ways to Make Money on a Website | Part 10 - Pack your services into bundles!

A multiplatform - a keyword for sales.

You are not just a newspaper, a TV or radio station, or a website anymore.


Let your advertisers know about it

TIP: Add a banner and a sponsored post to a newspaper advertisement. Make merely 100 USD per month more on each offer - that’s 1200 USD per year!

You will make your advertisements more effective and the advertisers more attached to you.



Share with us in the comment! We will update the article and thus help other local media.


Piotr Marek CEO 4media



Piotr Marek, CEO 4media

For almost 10 years I have been creating news websites. I am also the owner and editor of Expresselblag.pl. For roughly 5 years I have been networking local media within the Tipmedia/4media.com Group.



