Thus, the Lublin technology company in partnership with the Elbląg company specializing in video production became for the second time one of the few beneficiaries of the project in Europe, and the one of two from Poland.
Previously, the European Commission awarded 15 grants for the years 2021-2022. Tipmedia Group became the only Polish beneficiary.
The results of the actions taken were video productions, articles and webinars promoting various aspects and values of rural areas. The campaign covered the territory of the whole country, reaching several million recipients of local media (regional TV stations and local news portals).
As Piotr Marek, CEO of Tipmedia Group admits, this is a win-win situation: - On the one hand, we guarantee the European Commission a wide reach to users all over the country, on the other hand, local publishers enjoy additional income from displaying advertisements and interesting content.
In this year's edition, the European Commission awarded only 12 grants. This honorable group included the Tipmedia Group in partnership with Truso Media as the one of two beneficiary from Poland.
The amount of over EUR 157,000 will be allocated to information activities, which not only concern the promotion of rural areas, but above all, introduce the practical dimension of solutions introduced by the Common Agricultural Policy and show their impact on the lives of both urban and rural residents. The grant will cover a number of activities conducted from July 2022 to June 2023 in local media, which will be devoted to various aspects of the Common Agricultural Policy of the European Union.
The activities envisaged in the project are:
- production and broadcasting of 20 films in a network of local TV stations throughout Poland,
- publication of 20 thematic articles on over 100 information portals in Poland,
- organization of 10 free webinars on various issues related to the CAP,
- publication and distribution of an e-book summarizing the project.
- These are proven activities, which previously brought publishers millions of reach - comments Piotr Marek. - The previous CAP (Common Agricultural Policy) promotion project showed that for local publishers, articles and films from the series "Agriculture - Common Affairs" implemented in partnership with Truso Media are a strong traffic driver, especially when the heroes of the episodes are, for example, local farmers, local agritourism, local producers and artisans Their products or offer are often more appreciated abroad or popular on the other side of the country. And the locals, especially the younger ones, don't even know it! This made our materials very popular on over 760 local media outlets.
Materials made in the previous edition are available on the dedicated subpage of the project: Promotion of the Common Agricultural Policy (article in polish language).
For now, video shooting, interviews with experts and publication are in progress. The finished materials will be issued from September 2022.