Information Ticker

Keep your readers informed about the latest events! Display eye-catching breaking news bar as a sliding text on the top of your website.

What is an information/news ticker?

The information ticker (news ticker) in CMS 4media  is a short, highlighted informational text that is visible at the top of the page.

Depending on the settings, these can be links to information that we want to emphasize on the portal. In that case, when clicking on the content displayed on the strip, the user is redirected to a specific article or subpage. This can be the content of our own website or a link leading to another page.

We can also enter a non-clickable message into the information ticker - meaning it will not have a link to any webpage.


Where is the information ticker displayed?

The information ticker is displayed below the main menu bar. It is visible on the homepage of the website as well as on individual subpages or in articles.


Information ticker - placement on the website.
Information ticker - placement on the website.


Where to enable the information/news ticker?

To enable the visibility of the information ticker on your website, you need to go to the "Information ticker" module in the main menu in CMS 4media.

Then, on the right-hand side, click on the gear icon to access general settings.


Location of the news ticker settings in CMS 4media.
Location of the news ticker settings in CMS 4media.


You can also go to “Page builder” -> “Header” tab -> then scroll down do “Information bar” section (located under the “Website Logo” section). 

To enable the ticker, you need to click on the switch for "Enable the Information banner".

enabling news bar
Click on the switch to enable the display of the news ticker.


Important! To display the information ticker on the website, it is not enough to just activate it. Information bar will appear on the website if at least one message is designated for broadcasting.

In the general settings, you can also decide on the content of the text displayed directly before the news bar, for example: "Latest News," "Important," "Breaking News," and so on.


Text displayed before the information ticker.
Text displayed before the information ticker.


You can also choose the background color and the font color of the text that will be displayed on that background.


Selection of background color and font color for the information bar.
Selection of background color and font color for the information bar.


How to add new information to the news ticker?

To add new information to the news ticker, go to the main menu in CMS 4media admin panel and navigate to the "Information ticker" module.

At the top left corner, click on the plus icon within a circle.


Adding new information to the information bar.
Adding new information to the information bar.


The wizard for creating new content for the information bar will appear.


adding new information to news ticker
Wizard for creating new information in the information ticker module.


Now you can set the settings:

  • Title of the information - can have a maximum of 300 characters including spaces. This will be the content displayed and scrolled (if it has many characters) on the information bar, which users can read and/or click on.
  • URL address - optional link to the information. If you paste a link here, users will be able to click on the information title on the bar and redirect to a specific article or subpage.
  • Method of opening a link to information - you can choose in the same tab or in a new tab (new browser window). You can decide whether the page reloads in the same user browser window or whether, upon clicking the information title, the user will be redirected to the URL address that opens in a new window.
  • Emission start date - you can publish your news bar immediately or choose a future date to schedule the publication of the information.
  • Emission end date - you can choose a date when the information ticker should stop displaying.
  • Active - if the switch is moved to the right and highlighted in blue, the information bar is active, meaning the information will be displayed on the website for users.

If you don't want a particular content to be displayed on the ticker, you can edit it or turn it off at any time by deselecting the “Active” switch (just click on it and it will be moved to the left, highlighted in white, indicating that it's off).

Save - to confirm the changes made, click on the "Save" button.

For all saved information bars - active and inactive - CMS 4media administrators have access in the side menu under the "Information Bar" module. They can be deleted or edited at any time.

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