This is how the Obituaries widget may look like on your local news website:

Widget displays fundamental informations about deceased person e.g.:
- name and surname,
- date of death,
- died at age,
- link to deceased person obituary page (“See obituary”).
Adding an obituaries widget
To add an obituary widget in CMS 4media, login to your admin account, then go to: Page builder -> Templates. From the list of templates, choose the one to which you want to add the obituary widget.
You can learn more about adding widgets to templates from our guide: Widgets in CMS 4media.
Obituary Widget Configuration
The obituary widget by default displays the specified number of published and active obituaries.
You can define the number of obituaries displayed in the widget in the "Content" section.

Show only one obituary - activating this switch causes the widget to display only one specific obituary. Clicking the switch will reveal a table with available obituaries. Simply click on the one you want to display in the widget and save the changes.
Number of obituaries - the widget can display a maximum of 50 obituaries simultaneously. The minimum can be 1 obituary.
Select obituary type - from this dropdown list, you can choose:
- all - the widget will display all published and active obituaries,
- obituaries without additional emission in the widget - the widget will display all obituaries excluding those with additional emission settings,
- obituaries with additional emission in the widget - the widget will display obituaries for which additional emission has been set (for example, if a portal user purchases an obituary with extra broadcast time).
Shorten headers - activating this switch allows you to decide whether to shorten obituary titles to 1, 2, 3, or 4 lines.
Show the See More button below the list - this option activates the display of a "See More" button. You can choose from several color versions and set the button text. Clicking the button will redirect users to a page with all obituaries published on the portal.
Columns layout - thanks to this feature, you can decide how obituaries should be displayed within the widget.
Upon clicking on an obituary displayed in the widget, website users will be redirected to a subpage where they can access more information about the deceased individual (such as reading a biography, viewing a photo, etc.).

To allow website users to display more obituaries, remember to fill in the "Header Text" field. This way, when users click on the header text or the obituary widget icon visible on the website, they will be able to navigate to a dedicated subpage containing other published obituaries.

Learn more about the Obituaries module in CMS 4media: Obituaries.