
Inform your readers about upcoming concerts, movies, and events.

The Events module in CMS 4media is a special type of page dedicated to creating information about various types of events. It allows for creating, deleting, editing events, as well as previewing the number of views.

The form includes an editor divided into fields such as title, content, tags, category, organizer, location, image, and map.

Additional SEO fields allow you to add your own title and meta description for better control over how your content is displayed in search engines.


Event List

The events added in the CMS are displayed in the form of a list on a dedicated subpage, for example,


List of events on the dedicated subpage /events.
List of events on the dedicated subpage /events.


Website users can become familiar with upcoming events in the city or region. Thanks to the event search engine, website users can search for events by:

  • Entering any word or phrase.
  • Choosing event categories.
  • Quick selection, which allows them to choose events happening today, in the next 7 days, etc.
  • Filtering events within a specific date range.
  • Sorting the event list by start date, end date, or alphabetically.

Users can also toggle the "Show Ended" switch to display past events.

Additionally, you can add a dedicated events widget to any template in Website Visualizations (Page builder module), allowing you to display events practically anywhere on your website. Learn more about widget configuration: Event Widget.


Single Event

Each created event has its own individual page, consisting of:

  • Image: accompanied by a linked description (source) and/or a description.
  • Event category: e.g., concert.
  • Description: the event's content, such as the program.
  • Location: city and address, accompanied by a map.
  • Organizer.
  • Start date.
  • End date.

At the bottom of the event page, there is also a list of other events.

Thanks to social media sharing buttons, users can share information about the event on their Facebook or profiles.

Single event page. Watch live preview:,comic-con-international.
Single event page. Watch live preview:,comic-con-international.


Adding a New Event

To add a new event, click on the plus icon above the list of events.


Click on the plus icon to add a new event.
Click on the plus icon to add a new event.


The event creation wizard will open.


Event creator wizard.
Event creator wizard. Click on image to enlarge (will open in new window).


Provide as much information as possible about the upcoming event so that users can learn everything about it. 

Remember that fields marked with an asterisk are mandatory.

If you want a map with the location marked to be displayed on the event's subpage, make sure to slide the "Show on Map" toggle switch to the right before saving.


Click on the toggle switch to display the map in the event.
Click on the toggle switch to display the map in the event.


Event Import via RSS

If you wish, you can import an RSS feed and assign it to events in a specific category.


Importing events via the URL of an RSS feed.
Importing events via the URL of an RSS feed.


The information will be fetched from the RSS feed and automatically published in the chosen category

Each event will be created separately, and you will have the ability to edit, delete, or unpublish them on the website.

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