SEO Fields - Social Media Photo

Gain greater control over how thumbnails of your articles and subpages on your website appear on social media. From now on, you can set an image for each piece of content that will be displayed with its corresponding link on platforms like Facebook, Twitter, or LinkedIn.

In the June update of the CMS 4media system, the SEO Fields module received one of the most important enhancements. Now, you have the ability to upload an image or graphic that will serve as the thumbnail for links shared on social media.

This addition doesn't replace the main article thumbnail, which will remain unchanged on your website.

The uploaded thumbnail can be in PNG or JPG format, with exact dimensions of 1200 x 630 px. The maximum file size should not exceed 5 MB.

You can replace the uploaded thumbnail with a different one at any time.


How does it work?

Select the article to which you want to set a thumbnail and go to its editing. On the right side, in the "SEO Fields" section, at the bottom, you'll find the "Social Media photo" section.


Social Media photo - choose a file to change the image for the link visible on Facebook, Twitter, or LinkedIn.
Social Media photo - choose a file to change the image for the link visible on Facebook, Twitter, or LinkedIn.


Click "Choose File" to select an image from your computer's disk. The uploaded file's name will appear on the gray bar.


uploaded photo for thumbnail social media CMS4media
This is how the uploaded (but not yet saved) image looks in this manner.


To publish the changes, click the "Save" button at the bottom of the page. 

After saving, a preview of the image will appear in the "Current Image" section.


current photo thumbnail in CMS preview
This is how the saved and current image for the shared link on social media looks.


Where to check how your link will be displayed? Previews for Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn.

Before you publish the link on your social media profiles, make sure to check if the thumbnail will display correctly. Below, you'll find 3 official tools.


Preview the link image on Facebook using the Facebook Debugger tool.

If you want to see how your link will appear on Facebook, use the free tool called Facebook Debugger

Copy the url address you want to check from your browser's address bar and paste it into the visible bar. Then click the blue "Debug" button.


Facebook Debugger. A free and official tool for checking links shared on Facebook.
Facebook Debugger. A free and official tool for checking links shared on Facebook.


If the link is "fresh," meaning it has never been shared on Facebook before, you might see a message like this:


If the URL hasn't been shared on Facebook, click Fetch new information.
If the URL hasn't been shared on Facebook, click Fetch new information.


In such a situation, click the "Fetch new information" button. The Facebook robot will then analyze the link and retrieve the necessary information, which will be displayed shortly. If it doesn't work, click the button again - sometimes the tool can lag.

In the "Link preview" section, you'll see a preview of the link on Facebook - this is exactly how the shared link will appear on your personal profile, in groups, or on your business profile (fan page).


Preview of the link in Facebook Debugger - image, title, and link description.
Preview of the link in Facebook Debugger - image, title, and link description.


When you add a Social Media Image to an article (or other content managed by the SEO Fields) in the CMS 4media's SEO Fields, which has been previously shared on Facebook, click on the "Time Scraped" section and then click the "Scrape Again" button. The Facebook robot will refresh the link information. Here, it might not work immediately again, so it's best to wait a few minutes and try again.


facebook debuger scrape again
Use the "Scrape Again" button to refresh the link preview and retrieve new image information.


Preview the image on LinkedIn using the LinkedIn Post Inspector tool.

You can check link information and thumbnail details on LinkedIn using the free LinkedIn Post Inspector tool in a similar manner:


LinkedIn Post Inspector.
LinkedIn Post Inspector.


Paste the link copied from the browser's address bar and click the "Inspect" button. After a moment, a preview will appear:


Preview of the link on LinkedIn in the LinkedIn Post Inspector.
Preview of the link on LinkedIn in the LinkedIn Post Inspector.


If the image preview doesn't display and instead you see the message "We cannot display a preview for this URL," wait a few minutes and try again. This often happens when the link is still fresh, such as when you've published an article just 2 minutes ago.


Preview the image on Twitter

Until recently, you could preview the image using the Twitter Card Validator tool. However, Twitter discontinued this feature in mid-2022. Currently, they recommend using their Tweet Composer in the advertising center.

However, there's a much simpler way. Just log in to your Twitter account and paste the link in your tweet content. After a moment, the image preview will be automatically fetched.


Preview of the link on Twitter.
Preview of the link on Twitter.


If the image preview looks good, you can confidently publish your tweet.


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