Comments are an integral part of every local and news website. In CMS 4media, as an administrator, you have full control over them.
You can decide whether anyone visiting your website can add a comment or only registered and logged-in users. You can also temporarily block the addition of new comments or completely disable and re-enable them at any time. The choice is always yours!
Website users can leave comments under:
- Articles
- Photo galleries
- Audio materials
- Video materials
- YouTube materials
- Live reports
Global Comment Settings
You can find global comment settings in the menu under Settings -> Comments.

Comment settings include:
Number of comments on page: Specifies the number of displayed comments on a page, e.g., under an article. The maximum number is 30.
Global comment block: in default is set on “Off” (enabling comment addition). At any time, you can choose a different setting from the dropdown list:
- On (comments section completely off)
- New comments off (listing remains active)
- Adding new comments allowed to logged-in users only
Comments adding without moderation: If this toggle is selected, user comments won't require moderation before being published on the portal.
Hide deleted comments: Comments deleted by you as an administrator or by users won't be visible on the portal.
Link a logged user with a comment: with this option the administrator will be able to see which specific user has added a comment.
The list of vulgarisms: Here you can enter or paste a list of profane words separated by Enter. Comments containing these words won't be published.
Blacklist of IP addresses: You can paste a list of user IP addresses separated by Enter to block them from commenting. IP addresses can be found in the comments list in the Comments module.
Comments Module
The Comments Module in CMS 4media is the central hub for managing reader comments on your website. You can decide what actions to take on individual comments from users and manage them in bulk.
The module is divided into 4 sections:
- Accepted: This section displays comments that have been approved by the administrator, meaning they are published and visible on the website under a specific article.

- Pending acceptance: In this section, you can see comments that are awaiting approval, meaning they are pending your consent to be published on the website under a specific article.

- Submitted: In this section, you can see comments that have been published, but a user has reported the comment for moderation (meaning they believe the comment may violate community standards, and the administrator should review it).

- Rejected: In this section, you can see comments whose publication has been rejected by the administrator.

Recycling Bin
Deleted comments go to the Recycling bin, from where you can restore them, edit them, access the author's details, or see the specific article under which the comment was posted at any time.

Pending Acceptance and Submitted Comments in Admin menu
After logging into the admin panel, you will see users comments that are submitted or awaiting approval.

From this location, you can decide whether to publish each comment individually upon every login or approve all/selected comments using the bulk action option. You can also edit or delete comments.
View of comments on the website
Users can read published comments under every article available on the website.

Website users can:
- Reply to another user's published comment by clicking the "Answer" button. The reply to the comment will be published in the response thread.
- Quote a comment in their own comment by clicking "Quote." This will result in a dark gray frame around the quoted comment, indicating the comment to which the response is related.
- Like a comment by clicking the green thumbs-up button. This signifies agreement with another user's comment.
- Dislike a comment by using the red thumbs-down icon.
- Report a comment by clicking the "Submit" button. The reported comment will appear in the administrator panel under the "Submitted" section in the Comments module.
Additionally, as an administrator, you can embed reader comments using the built-in Comments widget in any page template within CMS 4media.
You can learn more on this topic in the guide: Comments Widget in CMS 4media.