Adding a Classifieds Widget
Adding the Classifieds Widget in CMS 4media can be done through the Page Builder module. Follow these steps:
- Open the Page Builder module and select the template where you want to add the widget. Click on the gray "Edit" button.
- Once the specific template's editing view loads, click the "+ Add Element" button at the location where you want to insert the widget.
- A window with available widgets will appear. Locate the "Classifieds" widget or use the search bar to find it, then proceed to the widget creator.
For detailed instructions see our step-by-step guide: adding widgets.
Note: Classified ads must be previously added by users and optionally approved by the website administrator for the widget to display them. Only active classifieds can be shown in the widget.
For more information on managing classified ads, refer to the guide: Classifieds Module.

In the widget, you can define:
Header Text - the content that will be displayed in the widget header, e.g., "Latest classifieds",
Header Link - if you fill in the header text, it will act as a link. In this field, you can paste any link to a page where you want to redirect the user when they click on the header text. If you leave this field empty, by default, clicking the header will redirect the user to a subpage with all classifieds.
Header Icon - here, using the 4media CMS library, you can choose a different icon than the default one. The icon is displayed before the header text.
Header Menu - there are many options available here, allowing you to decide, among other things, the menu's position (on the left or right side), and whether to enable or disable icons that control scrolling within the widget of published classifieds.

In this section of the widget, you will specify which classifieds to display and how they should appear within the widget:
Choose the category - here, you will decide whether the classifieds visible in the widget should be sourced from all categories or only from one category or subcategory,
Choose the type of classifieds - here, you will choose whether the widget should display all types of classifieds or only free, paid, or those with additional promotion enabled in the widget,
Display random classifieds - if you activate this switch, the classifieds visible in the widget will be displayed in a random order.
Displaying Results

The "Displaying Results" section of the classifieds widget in CMS 4media allows you to influence how classifieds are presented within the widget. The following options are:
Number of classifieds - determines how many classifieds will be displayed in the widget. A maximum of 50 classifieds can be shown.
Shorten titles - if the slider is active, you can decide whether long announcement titles should be shortened to 1, 2, 3, or 4 lines.
Show short descriptions - similar to the above - if the slider is active, descriptions will be shortened to 1, 2, 3, or 4 lines.
Display prices - if the slider is active, the price will be displayed in the announcement. From the dropdown list, you can choose whether the price should be displayed above, below, or next to the announcement (on the left or right side).
Display upload dates - if enabled, the publication date of the announcement will be visible.
Show "See More" button below the list - here you can enable the display of a "See More" button, decide on its name and appearance. The activated button will appear at the bottom of the widget below the list of classifieds. When clicked, it will redirect the user to a subpage with all the published classifieds on the portal.
Text placement in relation to photo - here you will specify how images and text for classifieds should be displayed within the widget. The text can be positioned:
- Beside the image on the left side,
- Beside the image on the right side,
- Above the image,
- Below the image,
- Over the image (as an overlay on a slightly transparent bar located at the bottom of the image).
In the Displaying Results section, you will also determine the column layout within the widget. This will allow you to decide whether classifieds should be displayed in a single column, one below the other, or perhaps in two columns, and so on.

You have a choice of 9 possibilities for the widget layout:
- 1 column,
- 2 columns,
- 2 columns in a layout of 2/3 + 1/3,
- 2 columns in a layout of 1/3 + 2/3,
- 3 columns,
- 3 columns in a layout of 1/4 + 2/4 + 1/4,
- 4 columns,
- 3 columns in a layout of 2/4 + 1/4 + 1/4,
- 3 columns in a layout of 1/4 + 1/4 + 2/4.
Additionally, you also have control over the row layout separately for each of the 4 columns. You can specify the number of items, i.e., classifieds, displayed in the widget in each of its columns.

Before saving and publishing the widget on your website, you can preview the layout of elements in the "Preview" section at the bottom of the widget configuration form.