Basic Settings of the CMS 4media Website

Editing the name and title of the website, selecting the default date and time format, or adding a site icon - these are the settings you should start with when implementing the CMS 4media website. In this article, you will also learn how to add more language versions to the website and how to configure the privacy policy and cookies window.



Settings → General

Basic Information

In the Settings → General module, in the Basic Information section, you fill in the name of the website, the website's URL, and the contact details – phone number and email address.


SEO Settings

In the Settings → General module, in the SEO Settings section, you can enable or disable website indexing by search engines. Here, you also provide the Title of the website and the Description for search engines:


1. Meta Title 2. Meta Description
1. Meta Title 2. Meta Description


Regional Time and Date Settings

In the Settings → General module, in the Regional Time and Date Settings section, you choose the default country, date format, and time format. You can also specify whether the first day of the week should be Monday or Sunday.


Map and Weather Forecast Settings

In the Settings → General module, in the Map and Weather Forecast Settings section, you select the default latitude and longitude, as well as the country and locality.


Settings → Multimedia

In the Settings → Multimedia module, in the Logos, Backgrounds, Icons section, you can add the site icon (favicon):


1. Website Icon (favicon) 2. Website Title
1. Website Icon (favicon) 2. Website Title


Language Versions

The website can have multiple language versions, which you can set up in the Languages module


Activating a Language Version of the Website
Activating a Language Version of the Website


You need to enter the language edition and check "Active" if the website should be available in this version. You can also select the language as the default.



Currencies in which you can settle payments with users, for example, for paid directory listings or subscriptions, are activated in the Currencies module (in the main menu).


Email Address Configuration 

To configure the email address, go to the Settings → Email Settings module and fill in the following fields:

  • Host – server name 
  • Port – SMTP port
  • Login / username – mailbox login, often the same as the email address
  • Password – mailbox password
  • Email address – the address from which messages will be sent 
  • Sender's name – the name of the email sender to be displayed to the email recipient


Privacy Policy and Cookies Windows

Privacy policy and cookies windows can be activated and edited in the Settings → Privacy module.


1. Privacy Policy Pop-up Window 2. Cookies Pop-up Window
1. Privacy Policy Pop-up Window 2. Cookies Pop-up Window


Privacy Policy Pop-up Window

Before filling in the content of the privacy policy pop-up window, you should prepare a "Privacy Policy" subpage. Then add the content, complete the Personal Data Administrator's information, and select the prepared subpage in the "Privacy Policy Subpage" field.


Editing the Data Protection Access Window
Editing the Data Protection Access Window


Cookies Pop-up Window

Before filling in the content of the cookies pop-up window, you should prepare an informational subpage about cookies. Then add the content and select the prepared subpage in the "Cookie Policy Information Subpage" field.


Editing the Cookies Pop-up Window
Editing the Cookies Pop-up Window


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