E-edition Widget

Are you a publisher of a print newspaper looking to provide a digital version? Display PDFs in the e-edition widget for users on your local news website.
The e-edition widget embedded on the homepage of the GoFredericksburg website (in a red frame).
The e-edition widget embedded on the homepage of the GoFredericksburg website (in a red frame).


The e-edition widget in the CMS 4media allows you to display previously uploaded PDF files in the e-edition module - digital versions of newspapers, magazines, or periodicals. Users can browse the entire document's content directly within the widget and customize how it's displayed to suit their preferences.

You can add the e-edition widget to any page template available in the CMS 4media. To enable the widget to display your publication, you must first add it using the e-edition module.

One widget can display only one file, meaning one issue of a newspaper. You can add multiple identical widgets to one page template if you want to display, for example, three issues. 


Adding the E-edition Widget to a Page Template

To add the widget to a page template, log in to your administrator account in CMS 4media. Then, from the menu, go to Page Builder and select the template where you want to add the widget. Now, all that's left is to click on the "+ Add Element" button where you want the widget to appear (you can also change its position later).


Adding widgets to page templates in Page Visualization.
Adding widgets to page templates in Page Visualization (Page Builder tab).


From the widget library, select E-edition. This will open the configuration settings wizard.


You'll find the E-edition widget in the widget library after clicking the "+ Add Element" button.
You'll find the E-edition widget in the widget library after clicking the "+ Add Element" button.


Watch a video on how to add a widget in CMS 4media: Adding widgets.


E-edition Widget Settings

The E-edition widget settings are divided into header and content settings.

In the Header section, you can set

Header text - this will be the content displayed in the top bar of the widget. It can also function as a link (if you set the Header Link). You can also choose to disable header display. 

Header Link - if you leave this field empty and active, the Header Text will link to the default widget subpage, i.e., /e-editions (e.g., https://www.4media.com/e-editions). You can also paste a different URL or disable the link. 

Icon in the header - if this box is checked as active, an icon will be displayed before the header text. You can change it by selecting another icon from the icon library integrated into the CMS 4media system.


E-edition widget header settings.
E-edition widget header settings.


Below the header settings, in the upper part of the widget, you'll find the content settings. With these settings, you can decide which editions to display in the widget and how. 

In the Content settings, you can set:

Show E-edition header - if you leave this option checked, you can decide which menu elements on the top bar of the widget will be displayed. Among these elements, you can select or deselect displaying:

  • logo,
  • title,
  • page numbers,
  • download button,
  • share button,
  • fullscreen button,
  • thumbnails button,
  • zoom button,
  • mouse wheel scrolling button.

Visible thumbnails - if you check this option, the widget will also display thumbnails of subsequent pages on the right side next to the displayed page. You can click on them to view the pages.

Show "View E-edition" button - if you activate the switch, a button will appear at the bottom of the widget that, when clicked, will redirect the user to the subpage displaying the edition shown in the widget. Among the available options, you can choose the button's color and enter the text to be displayed on it.


E-edition widget content settings.
E-edition widget content settings.


At the bottom, you'll also find a list of available e-editions previously added in the E-edition module. Here, you can indicate which one should be displayed in the widget. To do this, simply click on the edition's title, and a blue dot confirming your selection will appear in the left column.


List of available editions that can be used in the E-edition widget.
List of available editions that can be used in the E-edition widget.


If you want the widget to automatically display a new edition, check the "Automatically Show the Latest e-Edition" switch in the Content section. This way, you won't have to edit the widget every time you add a new issue of a magazine or periodical.


"Automatically Show Latest E-edition" switch in the widget's Content section
"Automatically Show the Latest E-edition" switch in the widget's Content section


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