Poll Widget

The Poll Widget in CMS 4media allows you to display a poll, e.g. on the main page of your local news website in the sidebar section, where users can participate. Users see the question and the options they can vote for.


Check out the screenshot below to see how the poll widget can look on your local news website:


Poll Widget (highlighted with a red border). Placement in the sidebar section on the main page of the website: https://demo.4media.com/.
Poll Widget (highlighted with a red border). Placement in the sidebar section on the main page of the website: https://demo.4media.com/.


The Poll Widget in CMS 4media can be added to any template in the Page Builder. Simply select the template to which you want to add the widget, go to edit mode, and after clicking the "+ Add Item" button, choose "Poll" from the widget library. This will open the widget configuration settings wizard.

For more information on adding widgets, please refer to the Adding Widgets guide.

One widget can display only one poll. However, you can add the Poll Widget multiple times to each page template and set it to display a different poll for each.

Widget configuration consists of a header and content.


Header Settings

In the header settings, you can specify what and how should be displayed in the top bar of the widget.


Poll Widget Header Settings.
Poll Widget Header Settings.


In this section, you can set:

  • Header Text - this will be displayed above the widget's content. You can enter any short text here, e.g., "Take part in the poll!".
  • Header Link - here you can enable the header text to act as a link. By default, the header link leads to a subpage with all the polls, e.g., https://demopl.4media.com/polls. You can also paste a different link here, leading to a specific poll page.
  • Header Icon - if you enable its display, it will appear in front of the Header Text. It will also act as a link to the Header Link. You can change it by selecting another icon from the CMS 4media icon library.
  • Header menu - allows you to decide whether icons for navigation (used for scrolling the widget's content) should be displayed on the widget's top bar. You can also choose the menu position (left or right side) and enable the "See More" button, which, when clicked, will redirect the user to a subpage with other polls.

Filling in the Header section is not mandatory. You can opt-out of displaying it by deselecting the "Show Header" switch - in this case, the widget will only display its content (see the screenshot below).


Poll Widget with the header display turned off.
Poll Widget with the header display turned off.


Here is how the widget display will look with the header enabled and filled out.


Poll Widget - appearance with the header display enabled.
Poll Widget - appearance with the header display enabled.


Content Settings

In the content settings, you will select which of the published and active polls added in the Polls module you want to display in the widget.


Poll Widget Content Section.
Poll Widget Content Section.


Available settings:

  • Show Poll Descriptions - if you activate this switch, the poll description will be displayed in the widget. A "Shorten Descriptions To" field will appear, where you can decide on the length of the shortened description (from 1 to 4 lines).
  • Number of Answers Displayed - here you can specify how many responses will be visible in the widget (range from 1 to 20).
  • Show Results As - after the voting is completed (or for a user who has already voted), the widget will display the results, and here you can choose how they will be presented. Options include percentage, number of votes, and a combination of both (percentage and number of votes).
  • Choose Poll - from the dropdown list, you will choose published and active polls that were previously added in the Polls module.

To save all the changes you've made, click the "Apply" button at the bottom of the configuration wizard and then again in the "Save" button at the bottom of the template edit view. Otherwise, the changes made to the widget will not be saved, and it will not be added to the page template.

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