News Widget

In news widget, business directory, classifieds, and more, you can customize how the entries (content) are displayed. The publisher has the option to choose the text's position in relation to the image, column and row layout.

What should be shown in the widget?

In CMS 4media the publisher decides at the outset from which categories of Articles the entries should be displayed. You can choose one or all categories. Then there's the choice of whether all articles, only featured articles, or only those without promotions should appear in the widget.


Example of a widget with 2 articles and 3 entries in the list of other articles and a "See More" button.
Example of a widget with 2 articles and 3 entries in the list of other articles and a "See More" button.


In the "Number of Articles" field (number 1 on the screenshot below), you should enter the number of articles to be displayed in the widget (excluding other articles). The widget can display additional information about the article, such as a brief description, author, categories, and more. All these settings can be found in the Display Results section.


Settings for displaying results in the News Widget.
Settings for displaying results in the News Widget.


Important: Only articles that have been previously published on the website can be displayed in the News Widget. Learn more: Articles module.


Columns Layout

Entries can be displayed in columns of various widths:


Columns layout in the News Widget
Columns layout in the News Widget.


Below are examples of widgets in different layouts:


Layout 1
Layout 1


Layout 2
Layout 2


Layout 3
Layout 3


Layout 4
Layout 4


Layout 5
Layout 5


Layout 6
Layout 6


Layout 7
Layout 7


Layout 8
Layout 8


Layout 9
Layout 9


Text Position in Relation to the Image

In this section, you will be able to select one option from the drop-down list. Thanks to each option, you will be able to adjust how the text and photo will be arranged inside the widget.


Text Position in Relation to the Image
Text Position in Relation to the Image


Below we present examples of what this may look like:


Next to the image, on the left side
Next to the image, on the left side.


Next to the image, on the right side
Next to the image, on the right side.


Above the image
Above the image.


Below the image
Below the image.


Over the image
Over the image.


Read Also:

More about the author/authors: