
In the Categories module, the publisher can add and edit main menu and footer menu categories, as well as categories for articles, events, classifieds, businesses, and boards.

Category List

When entering the Categories module in CMS 4media, the user selects the module or item whose categories they want to edit, such as:

  • main menu
  • footer menu
  • articles
  • boards
  • business directory
  • classifieds
  • events

From the list, they can change the order of categories and make some changes, such as editing the link to which the category refers in the main menu.


Main Menu

Settings for the main menu content – category names, order, subcategories, and links – are located in the Admin Dashboard under the Categories module in the Main Menu tab.

You can create a maximum of 3 levels of categories.

Important! The 2nd level category cannot have a link (it is not clickable).


Main Menu View
Main Menu View



Megamenu is an additional option that can be enabled for first-level categories in the main menu. When a user clicks on a category, they will see a window with entries, such as articles from all categories or events from the "Outdoor" category, etc.

In addition to entries, you can enable the display of a list of subcategories and customize the title (in the example below, "See the latest articles") and the title above the list of subcategories (below: "Choose a category").


Megamenu with articles from all categories with a list of subcategories enabled
Megamenu with articles from all categories with a list of subcategories enabled


Category List in the Main Menu


Category List in the Main Menu (Admin Dashboard View)
Category List in the Main Menu (Admin Dashboard View)


  1. Drag-and-drop icon to edit the order of categories
  2. Category name
  3. Editing the link to an existing module on the website (e.g., subpages, article categories, classified ad module, etc.)
  4. Field to enter the full URL to which the category should direct (both within the website and to an external page)
  5. Editing the way the link opens (same window/new window)
  6. Active/inactive icon
  7. Adding subcategories
  8. Editing categories
  9. Deleting categories
  10. Subcategory (2nd level)
  11. Subcategory (3rd level)


Adding Main Menu Categories

By clicking on the plus icon at the top left, the user goes to the page for adding a new main menu category. 


New Main Menu Category Wizard
New Main Menu Category Wizard


  1. Category title - will be visible on the main menu bar
  2. Link to an element existing on the website, e.g., to a selected module, category, or subpage.
  3. Full URL - link in the form of a URL. The link can refer to a selected page on the website or on another site.
  4. Link opening method - setting whether the link should open in a new or the same window.
  5. Link rel attribute - choose from none, nofollow, or external.
  6. Category status
  7. Selection of a category shown as a Megamenu - you can choose not only a specific category of articles, events, etc., but also a gallery module, audio or video materials, and live broadcasts.
  8. Title displayed in the megamenu
  9. Title above the list of subcategories displayed in the megamenu
  10. Enabling/disabling the list of subcategories in the megamenu
  11. Enabling/disabling information about entry categories under its title in the megamenu

Watch the Main Menu video guide:


Footer Menu

Settings for the footer menu content – category names, order, and links – are located in the Admin Dashboard under the Categories module in the Footer Menu tab. Only 1 level of categories is possible in the footer menu (subcategories cannot be created).


Footer Menu - front-end and administrative panel view
Footer Menu - front-end and administrative panel view


Article Categories

You can create a maximum of 3 levels of article categories. A description and main image can be added to each category.


Sport Category with main image and description (in the red frame)
Sport Category with main image and description (in the red frame)


Event Categories

You can create a maximum of 3 levels of event categories. An icon can be added to each top-level category.


Icons in event categories
Icons in event categories


Classifieds and Business Directory Categories

You can create a maximum of 3 levels of classifieds and business directory categories.

For classifieds and business categories, you can set an additional fee that will apply when using paid entries


List of classifieds categories for business directory
List of classifieds categories for business directory


If the Additional Fee field remains empty, then the additional fee will be inherited from the direct parent category. In the example above, there are three such situations:

  1. Building and installation materials - the user will pay an additional fee of 25 PLN for the category because the amount is inherited from the "Real Estate Agencies" category.
  2. Air conditioning and ventilation - the user will pay an additional fee of 50 PLN for the category because the amount is inherited from the "House and Construction" category.
  3. Interior trim - the user will not pay an additional fee for the category because the direct parent category "Building and Renovation Services" is free (they have "0" in the Additional Fee field).

If the Additional Fee field is filled in both the parent and child categories, then the fee in the child category takes precedence. In the example above, the user will not have to pay an additional fee for the "Architects" category, even though the direct parent category "Real Estate Agencies" costs 25 PLN and the top-level category "Houses and Construction" - 50 PLN.

An icon can be added to each top-level category.


Icons on the list of entries for the business directory
Icons on the list of entries for the business directory



You can create a maximum of 3 levels of board categories.

After adding a board category, you can add separate settings for it in the Settings module under the Boards tab.


Boards categories
Boards categories


Boards settings
Boards settings


Displaying category list in a widget

If you want to, you can display category list from one particular module such as Articles, Business Directory, Classifieds or Events in a Categories widget.

The widget can be added in each website templates in Page Builder module.

Read more: Categories Widget.



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