Multilingual Website
The publisher decides how many languages their news website operates in using CMS 4media. Upon entering the site, the user will see content in the language set as default and can switch between languages. By clicking the flag icon in the upper right corner, they will access a list of active languages.

Language List
In the Languages module, there is a list indicating the status of each language (green color - active status, red color - inactive status) and which language is set as default (green color - yes, while red color - no).

Language Editing
Within the Languages module, the publisher can activate or deactivate a language and set it as default.

Editing Content in Multiple Languages
The publisher has separate content editing windows for each language. If a post lacks content in a particular language, it won't appear in that language version of the news website. This applies to articles, events, subpages, as well as categories and all other content.

When creating an article or adding content to a subpage, you don't have to provide translations immediately. You can do so later by entering the article editing and switching to a different language using the language tab at the top.
Widgets in Different Language Versions
Content appearing in widgets, such as widget headers or "Read more" buttons, can be edited for each active language. Additionally, the publisher can decide in which website language version a specific widget will be available (visible).

This way, you can configure the website's design in page templates using a single widget that you translate into another language. There's no need to clone widgets and enable or disable their visibility for individual language versions.
Note! To make widgets and content visible in another language, you must first add their translations. If, for instance, the settings of the News widget, such as header text and others, are filled in foreign languages but the widget still doesn't display content, make sure you have translated your articles. Content in, for example, English without added translations simply cannot be displayed on the website.