Users and Groups of Users

Manage users on your news website. Block, grant access, and check the information they provided during registration.

User List

In the Users module of CMS 4media, there are two tabs:

  1. Administrative users – this tab lists all users belonging to the group with administrative access.
  2. Website users – this tab lists all users registered on the website who do not have administrative access.

The user list includes the following information:

  • User's first and last name
  • Email
  • Group to which the user is assigned
  • Account creation date
  • User's last login
  • Locks
  • Number of user entries
  • User status (green - active, red - inactive)


Adding a New User

Clicking the Add New User button on the left side above the user list takes you to the user addition page.


User Editing - Editing User Permissions and Website User Options in CMS 4media
Adding / Editing the user


Required information must be filled out:

  • First name
  • Last name
  • Gender
  • Year of birth
  • Email address

Additionally, you can choose:

  1. Active - User status. If active, the user can log in and, for example, leave a comment, publish classified etc.
  2. Trusted user - A trusted user can independently add articles to the site. Entries added by an untrusted user will need approval from a trusted user.
  3. The user can only manage his own entries - the user can manage all entries that were published only on their own.

From the user editing or addition interface, you can add a block to prevent the user from adding entries, such as a comment posting block.

Next, enter the password and assign the user to the appropriate group.


User Groups

The Groups module allows you to manage access to modules for different user groups. The administrator can create multiple groups with various access levels.

The user group list includes:

  • Group name
  • Description
  • Information on whether the group has administrative access (green color - yes, red color - no)
  • Number of users in the group.

Important! You cannot delete a group with users.


List of User Groups
List of User Groups


Adding a new user group

Clicking the plus icon in the upper left corner above the list takes you to the page for adding a new user group. Give it a name and optionally fill in a description that will be visible on the group list. 

Then you can proceed to edit the group and assign access to selected modules.


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