Terms (Clauses)

Inform users of the website about the terms of service, privacy policies, and other key aspects. Create and display content for various clauses or statements on the site.

The Clauses module in CMS 4media allows you to add, among other things, consent for processing personal data displayed under the contact form or acceptance of the service regulations during the registration of a new user.

The clauses you need to add to your website include:

  • Privacy Clause (Privacy Policy): Many websites have a privacy clause or privacy policy. This formal statement informs users about what personal data is collected, how it is used, stored, and protected. This is usually necessary in accordance with data protection regulations.
  • Cookies Clause: Due to internet privacy regulations, many websites include a cookies clause. It informs users that the site uses cookies, small text files stored on the user's computer to track information about the user and improve the website usage experience.
  • Terms of Use: The terms of use clause is an element that specifies the rules and conditions under which users can use the website. This may include various aspects such as user responsibilities, protection of intellectual property, limitations of the website's liability, etc.


Adding a New Clause

The newly created website in CMS 4media does not contain ready-made clauses. This means you will need to add them yourself. You can do this by going to the Clauses module and clicking the plus button at the top of the page. Clicking it will open the new clause creation wizard, as shown in the screenshot below:


New Clause Creation Wizard
New Clause Creation Wizard


Title: Enter the title of the clause here. The title will not be displayed anywhere, but it's worth creating clear and precise titles for clauses so that you can easily navigate among them later in case there is a need to edit their content.

Content: The most important field to fill in. Paste or type the content of the clause here. What you enter here will be displayed, for example, next to the privacy policy acceptance checkbox or the acceptance of the website terms when a user creates an account, etc.

Section: A dropdown list from which you can choose to which section the clause will be assigned. Options include:

  • Registration,
  • Contact,
  • Newsletter,
  • Periodic Newsletter,
  • Comment Publication,
  • User Account,
  • Publication of an article by a user,
  • Publication of an event by a user,
  • Publication of a classified by a user,
  • Publication of an entry in a Business Directory by a user,
  • Paywall

Type of the Clause: A dropdown list to determine whether the clause is merely informative or is intended to collect user consent. Options include:

  • Informative,
  • Markable (checkbox),
  • Subscription to the newsletter.

Active: Use this switch to decide whether the clause should be active (displayed on the website) or not (stops being displayed on the website; unchecking the switch does not remove the clause from the list, and you can always activate it again). Activating a clause displays it on the website in the assigned section.

Required Field: Use this switch to make the clause marked with a star, and the user will have to check the clause checkbox to, for example, complete the registration on the website or send a message through the contact form, etc.

Once you fill in and configure all the fields, remember to click the "Save" button to confirm and save the changes. The completed clause will then appear on the list of clauses in the Clauses module.


Managing Clauses

Added clauses are displayed in the Clauses module with additional information. At any time, you can edit a clause.


Clauses List
Clauses List


The list shows the title of the clause and information about the section to which it is assigned. Additionally, in the Status column, you can check which clauses are active (highlighted in green) and which are not (highlighted in red).

In the Actions column, you can edit or delete a clause.

Information about consents granted through clauses, such as during user registration, can be found in the GDPR Registry module.

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