
Condolences allow expressing sorrow and sympathy for someone's passing. On the CMS 4media websites, users can leave condolences under obituaries.

Condolences are a special type of comments that website users can add beneath published obituaries. In practice, they function similarly to comments. Users can input their name and message of condolence. Depending on the website settings, condolences either go through moderation or are immediately published under the obituary (on the obituary's subpage).


Sample condolences posted by users on the obituary subpage.
Sample condolences posted by users on the obituary subpage.


How to enable condolences on the website?

To enable the option for leaving condolences, navigate to the Settings module -> Condolences and set the Global Condolence Blockade to disabled.


Condolences global settings in CMS 4media.
Condolences global settings in CMS 4media.


The following options are available on the dropdown list for Global Condolence Blockade:

  1. Off - Users will be able to add condolences on the website.
  2. On (condolences section completely OFF) - the condolences section will be entirely disabled.
  3. New condolences OFF (listing remains active) - Previously added condolences will be visible, but new ones cannot be added.
  4. New condolences allowed to logged in users only - To add condolences, users need to be registered portal members.

You can also modify other settings:

  • Number of condolences on the page - The number of condolences displayed on one page.
  • Adding condolences without moderation - If this option is selected, user condolences won't go through moderation before being published on the website. If you leave this option inactive (gray switch), the administrator, upon logging into the CMS 4media panel, will see condolences awaiting approval.
  • Hide deleted condolences - Deleted condolences will not be visible on the website. If this option is not selected, there will be information about "Condolence deleted" after removing a condolence.
  • Link a logged user with a condolence - Upon selecting this option, the administrator will see which specific system user added a condolence.


Adding Condolences

If adding condolences is active on the website, a form will appear under the obituary containing fields for entering the content of the condolence and the signature of the person offering condolences.


Adding condolences under the obituary
Adding condolences under the obituary


Condolences Module

All condolences added by users are collected in the Condolences module. 


Condolences module in CMS 4media
Condolences module in CMS 4media


The list of condolences includes information such as:

  1. Content,
  2. Author of the condolence,
  3. IP address from which the condolences were added,
  4. Date and time of addition,
  5. Link to the obituary under which the condolences were added,
  6. Status - green color indicates active, red color - inactive
  7. Approval - green color indicates accepted, red color - not accepted.

Each condolence can be edited, deleted, and detailed information about the author can be checked.



More about the author/authors: