News in CMS 4media | January 2024

In the January update of the CMS 4media system, there have been numerous changes related to widgets and modules. The most significant change concerns Obituaries, which have been rebuilt and enriched with new features. Among the new modules, there is the Condolences module. Updates have also been applied to the News and Events widgets. Editors should also appreciate a minor change in the text editor, where we have added new features for inserting images and embedding links.

1. Overhaul of the obituaries module

The Obituaries module received an update in the form of Times of Emission and Extras Highlighting Obituaries. This allows publishers to reconfigure the module, giving users the option to order paid obituaries. It works the same way as for Classifieds or Bussiness Directory.


Times of emission for obituaries and additional fees for users.
Times of emission for obituaries and additional fees for users.


Extras highlighting obituaries.
Extras highlighting obituaries.


Additionally, we have streamlined the obituary submission form and enriched it with new options:

  • Removed fields: gender, age, and date of death
  • Added new fields:
    • Abbreviation before the name and surname of the deceased (e.g., R.I.P., Prof., etc.),
    • Short description about the deceased (e.g., renowned geologist, distinguished teacher, etc.).
  • Additional options:
    • Ability to choose graphics or upload a personal photo of the deceased,
    • Option to target (or not) the emission of the obituary to the widget.


Obituary submission - new form.
Obituary submission - new form.


For more details, please refer to the updated description of the Obituaries module.

Additionally, the Obituaries widget gained two new capabilities:

  • Option to display only one selected obituary in the widget.


The "Show only selected obituary" option in the Obituaries widget content section allows displaying only one obituary.
The "Show only selected obituary" option in the Obituaries widget content section allows displaying only one obituary.


  • Option to display obituaries of a specific type in the widget.


The dropdown list "Select obituary type" allows choosing the type of obituaries for emission.
The dropdown list "Select obituary type" allows choosing the type of obituaries for emission.


2. New Condolences module

Condolences - a new type of comments added under obituaries.
Condolences - a new type of comments added under obituaries.


This is a new module closely related to Obituaries. Condolences are, as you probably guessed, comments that website users can publish under an obituary on its subpage. In practice, they function similarly to regular user comments.

In the Condolences module, website administrators will find detailed information about published expressions of sympathy and will be able to manage them (edit, delete, check author details, etc.).

More detailed information can be found in the guide: Condolences module.


3. Changes in the News and Events widgets

We have introduced the option to choose tags in the News and Events widgets. This allows publishers to display content in widgets marked with selected tags. The selected tags in the widgets enable the display of articles added in different categories.


Tag selection in the News widget content section.
Tag selection in the News widget content section.


Speaking of categories - previously, in the News and Events widgets, you could choose a single category or all. Now, we have added the option to choose multiple categories, for example, 2, 3, or more. All you have to do is click on the categories you want to display in the widget (they will be highlighted in blue). Pretty cool, right?


Categories selected for display in the widget - highlighted in blue.
Categories selected for display in the widget - highlighted in blue.


In the latest CMS 4media update, there is also the "Display articles" option. This allows publishers in a widget to show all articles or only those with a main photo or not.


"Display articles" option in the News widget.
"Display articles" option in the News widget.


4. Changes in the text editor

In the text editor available in the Articles and Subpages modules, two additional options have appeared in the ribbon in the January update of CMS 4media:

ability to upload an image directly from the device (without having to upload it to the file library first) and embed a link to the image (with this option, remember that by embedding images this way, there is no hundred percent guarantee that the added image will always be visible - the source site admin, i.e., the one you are linking from, may remove it, and then it will no longer be displayed on your website).


"Upload image from computer" button.
"Upload image from computer" button.


ability to search and insert a link to another article, event, or photo gallery. Clicking the "Insert content link" button opens a window with a selection of content published in the Articles, Events, and Photo Gallery modules. After selecting a specific item, a textual link will be inserted in the text editor. The text of the link will automatically be the title of the Article, Event, or Photo Gallery.


"Insert content link" button in the text editor.
"Insert content link" button in the text editor.


Window with the selection of content published in CMS 4media in the Articles, Events, and Photo Gallery modules.
Window with the selection of content published in CMS 4media in the Articles, Events, and Photo Gallery modules.


This is what a sample link inserted using the "Insert content link" option looks like. It can be edited later.
This is what a sample link inserted using the "Insert content link" option looks like. It can be edited later.


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