Improvement of the Authors widget functionality and visual changes in the Authors widget
The Authors module operates in the CMS 4media which allows users to create author profiles with their photo, bio, and a list of articles they have written. At the request of Publishers, we have made some minor improvements and added a few new features within the Authors widget.
Improvement of the Authors widget functionality
- Number of authors
A new feature that can be set while editing the Authors widget is the ability to specify the number of Authors displayed in the widget.

- Selecting specific authors and their order in the widget
It is now possible to specify which Authors should appear in the widget during its editing. If necessary, the list of authors can be manually arranged in the preferred order.

- Display subtitles
A new feature has been added that allows you to choose whether to display or hide the authors' subtitles on the website.

- Width of author's photo
A new feature is the ability to adjust the size of the authors' photos in the widget to your preference. The width value is expressed in pixels.

- Columns layout
You can manage the columns layout of the Authors list. Depending on your needs, you can arrange the list vertically or horizontally. You can customize the layout to fit the section where you place the Authors list widget.

NEW FEATURE: Visual changes in author profiles
From now on, author photos are presented in round thumbnails instead of square ones. You can see an example in the screenshot below:

- Contact Information and Author Profile Layout
Currently, the phone number and email address (if published on the website) are displayed next to the author's photo, instead of below it.
The traditional list of articles associated with the author has been replaced with a tile layout.

NEW FEATURE: Downloading photos from CMS 4media is easier than ever
Whether they were uploaded to CMS as part of a photo gallery or as additional photos within an article, you can now select and download them collectively or individually to your computer or other devices. Streamline your workflow with this new CMS 4media feature.

NEW FEATURE: SEO settings in the settings module
Optimizing SEO settings in CMS 4media will help increase your website's visibility in search engine results and attract more users.
The May update of the CMS 4media system has introduced SEO settings within the Settings module, under a new tab - SEO Settings. You can now configure SEO settings for the default list of entries available in each module.

Description Fields and SEO Title
To make changes to the SEO settings for individual modules, click the [Display] button next to the selected module. This action will automatically expand the options below, as shown in the screenshot below:

Additionally, the following changes have been implemented to increase the character limits in the SEO Title and Description:
- SEO Title Field: You can now enter text up to 300 characters in this field.
- SEO Description Field: You can now enter an SEO description with a maximum length of 1000 characters.
What remains unchanged is the function of displaying colored bars under the [title] and [description] fields, which indicate whether the title or description entered is of optimal length or if (in terms of SEO requirements) it is too long.