Fine feathers make fine birds

The media is also a product!
Fine feathers make fine birds

Author: Fauxels

A basic mistake made by local media is forgetting that they are also a product. Just as any other product, they need to advertise themselves and their services by other communication channels than their own. They also need the right package.


Take care of proper brand visual identification - logo, advertising materials, email footer, etc.


What makes a name become a brand? A company and a brand are assessed just as people. All the interactions between the company and its environment undergo assessment. That includes contact with people directly responsible for sales, sharing information concerning the offer, and hearing complaints.


The first contact from our recipient, regardless of them being an advertiser, a member of the audience, or a website user is visual-based. A modern logo, an offer folder, a business card, the quality of the website are merely the basics. Make also sure that your email address is registered in the company domain - [email protected].


Here are the basic elements you should take care of:

  1. logotypes,
  2. company typographies,
  3. company stationery templates, especially:
    1. headed paper,
    2. business cards,
  4. templates of printed promotional materials, including:
    1. a leaflet and a folder,
    2. an offer folder,
    3. an x-banner or an advertising banner,
  5. ephemera (guides, diplomas, vouchers, etc.),
  6. a design of an advertising banner e.g. for an AdWords advertisement, FB display, etc.
  7. commercial offer layout,
  8. press IDs,
  9. occasional graphics, e.g. Christmas cards,
  10. company footer.


What else would you add to this list? Share your ideas in a comment.
