
CMS 4media

Welcome to the dedicated page for modules and widgets in the CMS 4media - a CMS for news website. Our "Support" category is a true treasure trove of information for anyone looking to optimize the management of their news website. Thanks to the built-in modules in CMS 4media, content management becomes incredibly fast and convenient, enabling efficient creation and updating of content on the website, as well as adding new news even faster than before.

One of the main strengths of our system lies in the intuitive widgets, allowing you to freely design the look of, for example, the website's homepage. Widgets, in most cases, enable users to display content that has been previously added through individual modules. The "drag and drop" method allows you to customize the layout of the page to your preferences without advanced technical knowledge. You'll love it if you value the ease of personalizing your website.

In the articles below, you'll find informative, comprehensive information about all the functionalities of CMS 4media. Step-by-step guides will help you understand how to use various system options and configure available features to achieve optimal results.

If you can't find answers to your burning questions, we're happy to help. Just write to us with your issue at [email protected], and we'll come to your aid ;)

widgety radiowe CMS 4media
Radio widgets
Add a radio widget to your local radio station website. It could be your own radio station, a friendly one, or any other you collaborate with. It’s just a few clicks and it’s done! 19.06.2023 14:57
moduł radio CMS 4media
Add your radio station to your local news website. Easy configuration - just 2 clicks and your users can start listening! 17.05.2023 11:10    1
widget wydarzenia CMS 4media
Events Widget
Show readers what's happening in your city or the nearest area. Keep locals informed about upcoming events such as concerts, performances and many other happenings nearby. 28.03.2023 09:10
moduł wydarzenia CMS 4media
Inform your readers about upcoming concerts, movies, and events. 27.03.2023 13:40
widget autorzy CMS 4media
Authors Widget
Facilitate readers' access to articles written by their favorite journalists. Display a list of your website editors and authors. 21.03.2023 11:50
moduł autorzy CMS 4media
Inform your readers about who writes the articles. Let them get to know your journalists better. Create authors pages and display their bios in the widget. 20.03.2023 14:03
personalizacja wyglądu widgetów
Widgets design
Design the appearance of individual widgets in CMS 4media just the way you want! Ensure a unique look for each widget visible on the website. 06.03.2023 12:13
widget nekrologi CMS 4media
Obituaries Widget
Obituaries Widget in CMS 4media can be added to any page template. It displays active and published obituaries to users. 03.03.2023 15:05
moduł nekrologi CMS 4media
Allow users to pay tribute to those who have passed away. Inform residents about funeral ceremonies. 01.03.2023 15:41
widget pogoda CMS 4media
Weather forecast widget
Prepare your users for sun, rain, or snow. Add a weather forecast widget to your website or pin it for a specific subpage. Easy configuration - enter your city and it’s done! 21.02.2023 13:23