
CMS 4media

Welcome to the dedicated page for modules and widgets in the CMS 4media - a CMS for news website. Our "Support" category is a true treasure trove of information for anyone looking to optimize the management of their news website. Thanks to the built-in modules in CMS 4media, content management becomes incredibly fast and convenient, enabling efficient creation and updating of content on the website, as well as adding new news even faster than before.

One of the main strengths of our system lies in the intuitive widgets, allowing you to freely design the look of, for example, the website's homepage. Widgets, in most cases, enable users to display content that has been previously added through individual modules. The "drag and drop" method allows you to customize the layout of the page to your preferences without advanced technical knowledge. You'll love it if you value the ease of personalizing your website.

In the articles below, you'll find informative, comprehensive information about all the functionalities of CMS 4media. Step-by-step guides will help you understand how to use various system options and configure available features to achieve optimal results.

If you can't find answers to your burning questions, we're happy to help. Just write to us with your issue at [email protected], and we'll come to your aid ;)

moduł Artykuły CMS 4media
Easy and quick news addition on your local news website. Create, publish, save for later, add photos and galleries. Embed video materials from sources like YouTube or posts from social media directly into the article content. 27.09.2023 12:14
paywall registration wall
Paywall and Registration Wall
Create unique and substantive content and make it available to subscribers only. Decide whether users of your local media website should pay to access the content or just log in. 26.09.2023 10:36
widget aktualności artykuły
News Widget
In news widget, business directory, classifieds, and more, you can customize how the entries (content) are displayed. The publisher has the option to choose the text's position in relation to the image, column and row layout. 25.09.2023 12:12
widget galerie zdjęć
Photo Galleries Widget
Show users the latest events and photo reports from important events in your city. Increase users engagement on your local news website with additional photo galleries page views. 07.09.2023 14:45
Galerie zdjęć CMS 4media
Photo Galleries
Photo galleries in the 4media CMS are a special type of subpage dedicated to creating, e.g. event photo reports. You can add a large number of photos to them and display a specific gallery in a standalone widget or integrate below a published article. 06.09.2023 12:00
moduł FAQ pytania i odpowiedzi CMS 4media
FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)
Tired of constantly answering the same questions to users? Create an FAQ section on your local news website, enter the answers, and share them every time the question comes up again! 30.08.2023 14:49
widget ankieta cms 4media
Poll Widget
The Poll Widget in CMS 4media allows you to display a poll, e.g. on the main page of your local news website in the sidebar section, where users can participate. Users see the question and the options they can vote for. 29.08.2023 12:30    1
moduł ankiety CMS 4media
Polls in the CMS 4media are used to create and display various types of surveys or votes. Harness the module's potential to further engage your users! 28.08.2023 13:16
widget plebiscyt cms 4media
Plebiscite Widget
The Plebiscite Widget in CMS 4media displays ongoing plebiscites in which users can participate. Create, showcase, and boost engagement among readers visiting your local news website! 25.08.2023 14:05
CMS 4media moduł plebiscyty
Allow website users to vote and choose, e.g. the best hair salon in the city. Create a plebiscite and encourage users to participate. Enjoy their increased engagement on your local news website! 16.08.2023 09:05