
moduł nekrologi CMS 4media
Allow users to pay tribute to those who have passed away. Inform residents about funeral ceremonies. 01.03.2023 15:41
widget pogoda CMS 4media
Weather forecast widget
Prepare your users for sun, rain, or snow. Add a weather forecast widget to your website or pin it for a specific subpage. Easy configuration - enter your city and it’s done! 21.02.2023 13:23
dodawanie widgetów CMS 4media
Adding widgets
Widgets in CMS 4media are used to build the appearance of the website homepage and subpage templates. Adding widgets in CMS 4media is possible through the Page Builder module. 21.02.2023 12:02
widgety CMS 4media
Widgets in CMS 4media are used to build the appearance of the website homepage as well as layouts and designs of individual types of subpages, which are essentially page templates. 21.02.2023 10:30
pasek informacyjny CMS 4media
Information Ticker
Keep your readers informed about the latest events! Display eye-catching breaking news bar as a sliding text on the top of your website. 15.02.2023 12:54
Ho, Ho, Ho! Grab fresh links from new portals before Christmas in Ads4media
Ho, Ho, Ho! Grab fresh links from new portals before Christmas in Ads4media
At the end of 2022, we expanded the database of portals in the content marketing and link building platform. That's over 600 new portals in one December update! 07.12.2022 15:54
pola SEO CMS 4media
SEO fields. How to use them?
How to use SEO fields in CMS 4media? Take control of how the title and description of your article, subpage (and other types of entires in CMS 4media) present in search engine results. 26.10.2022 15:01    2
What can I say about | Maciej Skerczyński, Publishing Group Słowo
What can I say about | Maciej Skerczyński, Publishing Group Słowo
"What can I say about". Testimonial by Maciej Skerczyński - journalist, publisher and owner of Publishing Group Słowo. 20.10.2022 14:39
multisite CMS 4media
Multisite in CMS 4media. Publish a single article simultaneously on multiple websites
The Multisite feature in CMS 4media allows for the simultaneous publication of an article on multiple websites. This is particularly useful for Publishing Groups that want to quickly release urgent information across several websites at once. 10.10.2022 10:59    1
4media on  NNAF's 136th Annual Convention and Trade Show
4media on NNAF's 136th Annual Convention and Trade Show
On October 6-8, 2022, we will be present in San Francisco for the next event dedicated to publishers. 06.10.2022 14:53