CMS 4media:


The Modules category contains tutorials on configuring modules in CMS 4media. You will learn how to manage the content of individual modules, their purposes, and how they can enhance the operation of your local information website.

All modules can be found in the main menu in the admin panel. Additionally, some global settings for specific modules are located in the general "Settings" module, as indicated and explained in detail in the guides.

Most modules have their own individual widget. This allows you to embed published announcements, directory entries, events, or news in separate widgets.

Other modules, such as PayWall, Payments, or Currencies, will enable you to prepare your website for monetization, activate payment support for subscription or publication of paid advertisements and business entries in specific categories. You will also find detailed information about users and, upon logging in, immediately see, for example, which comments require moderator intervention.

We are always at your disposal. If anything is unclear in any of the guides or if you haven't found answers to your questions, feel free to reach out to us at [email protected].

CMS 4media moduł plebiscyty
Allow website users to vote and choose, e.g. the best hair salon in the city. Create a plebiscite and encourage users to participate. Enjoy their increased engagement on your local news website! 16.08.2023 09:05
e-wydanie CMS 4media
E-edition in the CMS 4media allows you to share newspapers, magazines, and periodicals on your website in PDF format using a special widget that facilitates browsing. 09.08.2023 09:54
katalog firm CMS 4media
Business Directory
The Business Directory allows users to post short advertisement entries promoting their businesses on your local news website. Each entry has its own subpage. Entries in the Business Directory can be promoted and displayed on the website's homepage in the form of a widget. 01.08.2023 10:32
moduł ogłoszenia CMS 4media
Enhance the potential of your local news website and allow users to post classifieds related to sales, such as cars, real estate, or job offers. Earn extra revenue through additional paid options, like highlighting classifieds and other promotions. 26.07.2023 11:58
moduł komentarzy CMS 4media
Control discussions in user comments on your local news website. Approve comments, block profanity, modify, and even ban specific users who violate standards. 03.07.2023 09:32
ramówka radio telewizja CMS 4media
Radio/TV Schedule
The Radio/TV Schedule module in CMS 4media allows Publishers to create a radio or television program schedule and add it on their website as a new kind of subpage. 27.06.2023 14:54
zdjęcie w social media miniatura linku CMS 4media
SEO Fields - Social Media Photo
Gain greater control over how thumbnails of your articles and subpages on your website appear on social media. From now on, you can set an image for each piece of content that will be displayed with its corresponding link on platforms like Facebook, Twitter, or LinkedIn. 26.06.2023 14:26
moduł radio CMS 4media
Add your radio station to your local news website. Easy configuration - just 2 clicks and your users can start listening! 17.05.2023 11:10    1
moduł wydarzenia CMS 4media
Inform your readers about upcoming concerts, movies, and events. 27.03.2023 13:40
moduł autorzy CMS 4media
Inform your readers about who writes the articles. Let them get to know your journalists better. Create authors pages and display their bios in the widget. 20.03.2023 14:03