CMS 4media:


On this category page, you'll find tutorials related to CMS 4media widgets. Each article is dedicated to a detailed description of the widget's capabilities - how to add it to the page template, where to change its appearance, and most importantly, how to configure the header and content sections of the widget. In many places, we've also included practical tips that will give you ready-to-use ideas for utilizing widgets on your news website.

With widgets in CMS 4media, you'll be able to build views for individual pages, which you can find in the Page Visualization module. Widgets can be used, for example, to design the content of the website homepage, the list of articles, or even a single announcement, company post, or photo gallery.

If something is missing or unclear in our guides - ask us! Send us a message at [email protected], and we'll respond as quickly as possible.

opinions wdget CMS 4media
Opinions widget
Display author’s reviews of the article to increase credibility and encourage reading. 14.06.2024 08:25
widget plansze cms 4media
Boards Widget
Display event posters, photos and graphics as a slideshow. Increase the involvement of users of your news portal and make it easier for them to find important information. 08.12.2023 13:17
widget formularz kontaktowy cms 4media
Contact Us Widget (Contact Form)
Add a contact form to make it easier for users of your news website to submit important information and attachments, such as photos from an accident. 07.12.2023 15:37
widget wyszukiwarka cms 4media
Search Bar Widget
Users report that they can't find something on your news website? Or perhaps you need a search function limited to a specific module? Add a search widget to your page template. 07.12.2023 08:54
widget podstrony cms 4media
Subpages Widget
Need to add shortcuts to subpages on your news website? Use the Subpages widget for this purpose. Select the subpages you want to display, choose the presentation style, save, and you're done! 06.12.2023 13:45
widget slider cms 4media
Slider Widget
Display main article photos on your news website in the form of an automatic slideshow. 05.12.2023 15:39
widget kategorie CMS 4media
Categories Widget
The Categories Widget in CMS 4media allows you to display a list of categories on your website, where articles, events, announcements, or business entries have been published. 04.12.2023 16:00
widget Pinterest CMS 4media
Pinterest Widget
Is your editorial team managing a profile on Pinterest? Showcase your pins or boards on your news website! Enhance its appeal and boost pin reach through cross-channel distribution. 04.12.2023 11:08
widget x twitter
X (Twitter) Widget
Show your users what's happening on your X (Twitter). Embed individual posts or the main profile with a view of the latest tweets. 30.11.2023 12:51    1
widget Instagram CMS 4media
Instagram Widget
Embed posts—photos, videos, and reels—from Instagram on your news website. Quick and easy setup—paste the post link, save changes, and you're done! 28.11.2023 12:15