CMS 4media:


On this category page, you'll find tutorials related to CMS 4media widgets. Each article is dedicated to a detailed description of the widget's capabilities - how to add it to the page template, where to change its appearance, and most importantly, how to configure the header and content sections of the widget. In many places, we've also included practical tips that will give you ready-to-use ideas for utilizing widgets on your news website.

With widgets in CMS 4media, you'll be able to build views for individual pages, which you can find in the Page Visualization module. Widgets can be used, for example, to design the content of the website homepage, the list of articles, or even a single announcement, company post, or photo gallery.

If something is missing or unclear in our guides - ask us! Send us a message at [email protected], and we'll respond as quickly as possible.

widget popularne CMS 4media
Popular Widget
The Popular Widget in CMS 4media displays the highest-rated news articles. Show users content that is most appreciated or actively discussed by the local community. 13.11.2023 08:28
widget relacje na żywo CMS 4media
Live Broadcasts Widget
Share live broadcasts on your local news website. Quick and easy setup with plenty of customization options. 07.11.2023 13:07
widget materiały audio
Audio Materials Widget
Show what's playing in your city. Display podcasts, radio shows, and other audio files that users can play directly in the audio player. 02.11.2023 10:44
widget YouTube
YouTube Widget
Share videos published on YouTube on your local news website. Simple and quick setup - paste the video link, save your changes, and you're all set! 31.10.2023 09:59
widget materiały wideo
Video Materials Widget
Display video materials on your local news website. Showcase the latest news releases from your local TV station or other videos, such as local cinema trailers. 30.10.2023 11:39
widget aktualności artykuły
News Widget
In news widget, business directory, classifieds, and more, you can customize how the entries (content) are displayed. The publisher has the option to choose the text's position in relation to the image, column and row layout. 25.09.2023 12:12
widget galerie zdjęć
Photo Galleries Widget
Show users the latest events and photo reports from important events in your city. Increase users engagement on your local news website with additional photo galleries page views. 07.09.2023 14:45
widget ankieta cms 4media
Poll Widget
The Poll Widget in CMS 4media allows you to display a poll, e.g. on the main page of your local news website in the sidebar section, where users can participate. Users see the question and the options they can vote for. 29.08.2023 12:30    1
widget plebiscyt cms 4media
Plebiscite Widget
The Plebiscite Widget in CMS 4media displays ongoing plebiscites in which users can participate. Create, showcase, and boost engagement among readers visiting your local news website! 25.08.2023 14:05
widget e-wydanie
E-edition Widget
Are you a publisher of a print newspaper looking to provide a digital version? Display PDFs in the e-edition widget for users on your local news website. 10.08.2023 11:56