
Welcome to the Support category, where you'll find an extensive collection of guides covering two key solutions: CMS 4media - a powerful content management system for media, and Ads4media - an innovative content marketing and link-building platform designed for publishers and advertisers.

Our guides are dedicated to users of both platforms, providing detailed step-by-step instructions on optimal utilization of the features available in CMS 4media. Learn how to efficiently manage content on your news website, customize the look of your page, or configure modules for maximum effectiveness.

In the Ads4media realm, we'll present you with effective content marketing and link-building strategies, helping increase content visibility and achieve better advertising results. With our guides, you're on a path that allows you to fully harness the potential of both platforms and effectively grow your online presence.

Feel free to explore the wealth of knowledge in the Support category - your key source of support in optimizing the use of CMS 4media and Ads4media.

widget e-wydanie
E-edition Widget
Are you a publisher of a print newspaper looking to provide a digital version? Display PDFs in the e-edition widget for users on your local news website. 10.08.2023 11:56
e-wydanie CMS 4media
E-edition in the CMS 4media allows you to share newspapers, magazines, and periodicals on your website in PDF format using a special widget that facilitates browsing. 09.08.2023 09:54
widget katalog firm wpisy firmowe CMS 4media
Business Directory Widget
With the business directory widget, you can display entries on your homepage that are published in the business directory on your local news website. 02.08.2023 10:02
katalog firm CMS 4media
Business Directory
The Business Directory allows users to post short advertisement entries promoting their businesses on your local news website. Each entry has its own subpage. Entries in the Business Directory can be promoted and displayed on the website's homepage in the form of a widget. 01.08.2023 10:32
widget ogłoszenia w CMS 4media
Classifieds Widget
The Classifieds Widget enables you to display the latest classifieds added by users on your local news website. This will increase their visibility, making it easier to find potential customers. It will also convince advertisers that your platform is an attractive place to advertise, especially for local businesses. 26.07.2023 13:36
moduł ogłoszenia CMS 4media
Enhance the potential of your local news website and allow users to post classifieds related to sales, such as cars, real estate, or job offers. Earn extra revenue through additional paid options, like highlighting classifieds and other promotions. 26.07.2023 11:58
widget komentarze CMS 4media
Comments Widget
Using the comments widget, you can showcase the latest user comments on your local news website. This way, you can more effectively encourage readers to join discussions under articles. 05.07.2023 12:47
moduł komentarzy CMS 4media
Control discussions in user comments on your local news website. Approve comments, block profanity, modify, and even ban specific users who violate standards. 03.07.2023 09:32
ramówka radio telewizja CMS 4media
Radio/TV Schedule
The Radio/TV Schedule module in CMS 4media allows Publishers to create a radio or television program schedule and add it on their website as a new kind of subpage. 27.06.2023 14:54
zdjęcie w social media miniatura linku CMS 4media
SEO Fields - Social Media Photo
Gain greater control over how thumbnails of your articles and subpages on your website appear on social media. From now on, you can set an image for each piece of content that will be displayed with its corresponding link on platforms like Facebook, Twitter, or LinkedIn. 26.06.2023 14:26