
jak napisać artykuł sponsorowany
How to write a good sponsored article?
In the flood of content provided by today’s media, it is difficult to capture the audience’s attention enough for our message to remain in their memory. However, there is a clever way to break through to their awareness: sponsored articles. What are they, and why do they work? 30.04.2024 12:30
CMS 4media aktualizacja styczeń 2024
News in CMS 4media | January 2024
In the January update of the CMS 4media system, there have been numerous changes related to widgets and modules. The most significant change concerns Obituaries, which have been rebuilt and enriched with new features. Among the new modules, there is the Condolences module. Updates have also been applied to the News and Events widgets. Editors should also appreciate a minor change in the text editor, where we have added new features for inserting images and embedding links. 15.01.2024 09:01
moduł kondolencje CMS 4media
Condolences allow expressing sorrow and sympathy for someone's passing. On the CMS 4media websites, users can leave condolences under obituaries. 09.01.2024 11:24
tagi cms 4media
Add tags to articles and events in CMS 4media. Facilitate user navigation through related content published on your news website. 18.12.2023 13:01
rejestr RODO CMS 4media
GDPR Registry
Within the GDPR Registry module, you will find all information related to the processing of personal data of users on your news website. 15.12.2023 09:42
klauzule CMS 4media
Terms (Clauses)
Inform users of the website about the terms of service, privacy policies, and other key aspects. Create and display content for various clauses or statements on the site. 14.12.2023 12:07
widget plansze cms 4media
Boards Widget
Display event posters, photos and graphics as a slideshow. Increase the involvement of users of your news portal and make it easier for them to find important information. 08.12.2023 13:17
widget formularz kontaktowy cms 4media
Contact Us Widget (Contact Form)
Add a contact form to make it easier for users of your news website to submit important information and attachments, such as photos from an accident. 07.12.2023 15:37
widget wyszukiwarka cms 4media
Search Bar Widget
Users report that they can't find something on your news website? Or perhaps you need a search function limited to a specific module? Add a search widget to your page template. 07.12.2023 08:54
widget podstrony cms 4media
Subpages Widget
Need to add shortcuts to subpages on your news website? Use the Subpages widget for this purpose. Select the subpages you want to display, choose the presentation style, save, and you're done! 06.12.2023 13:45