
widget kalendarz wydarzeń CMS 4media
Events Calendar Widget
Display information about current and upcoming events in the form of a calendar on your local news website. 16.11.2023 14:52
widget kanały rss cms 4media
RSS Channels Widget
The CMS 4media RSS Channels widget displays a list of articles from RSS feeds allowing you to showcase content on your local news website from other sources. The setup is straightforward—all you need to do is paste the link to the RSS feed source, and the articles will start appearing in the widget. 15.11.2023 15:17
widget najczęściej czytane CMS 4media
Most Read Widget
Display the most read articles. Make it easy for readers to access content that is most popular on your local news website. 14.11.2023 13:35
widget popularne CMS 4media
Popular Widget
The Popular Widget in CMS 4media displays the highest-rated news articles. Show users content that is most appreciated or actively discussed by the local community. 13.11.2023 08:28
widget relacje na żywo CMS 4media
Live Broadcasts Widget
Share live broadcasts on your local news website. Quick and easy setup with plenty of customization options. 07.11.2023 13:07
black friday 2023
🔖 Black Friday Month at ADS4media!
Black Friday is not enough. At, Black Friday lasts the entire month! Discounts apply: -30% on selected portals, -7% on everything. 06.11.2023 10:12
widget materiały audio
Audio Materials Widget
Show what's playing in your city. Display podcasts, radio shows, and other audio files that users can play directly in the audio player. 02.11.2023 10:44
widget YouTube
YouTube Widget
Share videos published on YouTube on your local news website. Simple and quick setup - paste the video link, save your changes, and you're all set! 31.10.2023 09:59
widget materiały wideo
Video Materials Widget
Display video materials on your local news website. Showcase the latest news releases from your local TV station or other videos, such as local cinema trailers. 30.10.2023 11:39
moduł Multimedia CMS 4media
Upload video and audio files through CMS 4media to the server. Create livestreams directly on your website with simple and fast configuration. Embed the added multimedia in articles and subpages. 24.10.2023 11:49